Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A Great Start

I have 2 admit I was a bit apprehensive last night when I headed to my studio session. Both of my projects before have been solo projects ... I've worn all the hats ... I played all the music myself, produced, made all the decisions all on my own, so naturally I'm a little bit nervous about letting go of some of the reigns.

I knew Brian (my drummer ala producer) was crazy when he said we were going to record all the guitar tracks for all five songs last night. Clear out of his mind. I hadn't even met the guitarist yet, all she had was a very VERY rough cut of the songs that I threw together on my keyboard, there was no way. Well, I was right, but I also found out I have nothing to be nervous about. In fact, I might just enjoy this process better. Of course, I'll have the final say on everything, it IS still my record, but Brian has good ears. And this guitarist is an absolute pro, we clicked right away. She loved all the song choices and she even had some ideas.

We sat down and worked through one song last night, but she had it nailed in an hour. Everytime I told her to make an adjustment or do this or do that, BOOM, it was done.

This is going to be fun. I've never collaborated in the studio before and now I'm REALLY looking forward to it. I'm also anxious about this "different sound" I'm going for with this EP. It'll be different in the fact that it will have live musicians and instruments as opposed to just me playing everything from a keyboard and drum machine (and it's proving to be a LOT less tedious for me), but the sound is more pop rock than pop urban, so it will be cool.

I went through painstaking agony choosing only 5 songs to appear on this EP. But after going through them all last night and getting very positive feedback from the guitarist, I'm feeling pretty confident I made the right choices.

And so it begins ... work on the next Saturn record is now out of pre - production and finally into the fire!

"Through the fire, 2 the limit, 2 the wall, 4 the chance 2 be with U I'd glady risk it all." - Chaka Kahn, Through the Fire (one of my fave ballads ever)


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